Pro tips for creating videos for TikTok, reels, and YouTube shorts

Ready to take your pizzeria's social media game to the next level? It's time to dive into the world of vertical video! 

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are perfect for showing off your tasty dishes and giving customers a behind-the-scenes look at your shop. Don't worry if you're not a social media pro — we've got some easy tips to help you create videos that'll drive engagement and more orders for your pizzeria.

1. Keep it vertical

Always shoot your videos in vertical mode. This format fills the screen on mobile devices, making your content more engaging and easier to watch. Plus, it's how these platforms are designed to work best.

2. Light it up

Good lighting is key to making your pizzas look as delicious on screen as they do in real life. Try to use natural light when you can — it makes colors pop and shows off all those tasty details. If you're shooting indoors, avoid dark corners and consider investing in some simple lighting equipment to brighten things up.

3. Stay steady

Nobody likes a shaky video. Use a small tripod designed for phones to keep your shots steady. If you're moving around the kitchen, try using a gimbal or your phone's built-in stabilization feature to smooth things out.

4. Frame it right

When you're setting up your shot, use the rule of thirds. Imagine your screen divided into a 3x3 grid and place important elements along those lines or at their intersections. For vertical videos, it often works best to keep your main subject — like that perfect pizza — right in the center of the frame.

5. Short and sweet

Keep your videos brief and punchy. Aim for 15-30 seconds — that's the sweet spot for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Use quick cuts to keep things moving and hold viewers' attention.

6. Show off your skills

People love seeing how the magic happens. Film the pizza-making process from start to finish — kneading dough, spreading sauce, sprinkling cheese, and sliding it into the oven. Don't forget to capture those drool-worthy cheese pulls when you're taking the pizza out!

7. Add some flavor with music and effects

Use popular songs or sounds to make your videos more engaging. Each platform has a library of music you can choose from. Play around with filters, text overlays, and stickers to add extra pizzazz to your videos.

8. Tell your story

Even in a short clip, try to tell a story. Maybe it's the journey of a pizza from raw ingredients to a happy customer, or a day in the life at your pizzeria. Give viewers a reason to watch till the end.

9. Mix up your angles

Don't just stick to one view — experiment with different angles to keep things interesting. Try close-ups of bubbling cheese, wide shots of your bustling kitchen, or point-of-view clips that make viewers feel like they're right there with you.

10. Brand it

Make sure your videos are instantly recognizable as coming from your pizzeria. Include your logo, use your brand colors, and always end with a quick outro that shows your shop's name, location, and social media handles.

11. Engage your audience

Ask questions, run polls, or host contests to get your followers involved. For example, you could ask them to vote on a new pizza topping or share their own pizza creations using a specific hashtag.

12. Show your human side

People connect with people, not just pizzas. Share clips of your staff having fun, customers enjoying their meals, or your involvement in community events. This personal touch can turn casual viewers into loyal customers.

13. Stay consistent

Post regularly to keep your audience engaged. Create a content calendar to help you plan out your videos and ensure you're posting a mix of content — from pizza prep to staff spotlights to customer testimonials.

14. Use editing apps

While the in-app editing tools on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are great for beginners, don't be afraid to explore external apps like InShot or CapCut for more advanced editing features.

Every great pizza has a story — and now you've got the tools to tell yours. Grab your phone, unleash your creativity, and let your followers see why you’ve got the best food in town, one vertical video at a time.


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