Nikki Kaplan on how to build a pizzeria empire

Nikki Kaplan is a force to be reckoned with in the New York pizza scene. As the driving force behind three iconic pizza brands — Rose Pizza, Little Italy Pizza, and Bleecker Street Pizza — Nikki has pizza sauce running through her veins. With 16 locations and counting, she's taking her family's 30-year pizza legacy to new heights.

Recently, Nikki sat down with Slice founder Ilir Sela on the "How You Slice It" podcast to discuss her journey in the pizza industry, the challenges of running multiple brands, and her vision for the future. 

Here's a look at the highlights:

Balancing tradition and innovation 

For Nikki, honoring tradition while embracing innovation is key to success. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining each brand's unique identity:

"We always wanted to keep the different brands with their own identity because we wanted to stay true to how we started them, built them, and maintain them in that fashion."

This approach allows each pizzeria to cater to its specific neighborhood and customer base. For pizzeria owners looking to expand, Nikki's strategy offers valuable insight: focus on what makes each location special, and don't try to force a one-size-fits-all approach.

Navigating family dynamics in business

Running a family business comes with its own set of challenges. Nikki candidly shares her experience.

"Working with my Dad, we have knocked heads more than I can count,” Nikki said. “But I have learned from him more than anything I would have ever been taught anywhere else."

For pizzeria owners working with family, Nikki's advice is clear: embrace the learning opportunities, but be prepared for some friction. The key is to remember that you're working towards a common goal.

Staying hands-on while scaling

Despite overseeing multiple locations, Nikki remains deeply involved in day-to-day operations. "I'm in every store every day,” Nikki explained. “I pass through each one and they see my presence, they see the dedication, and that makes a big difference."

This hands-on approach ensures consistent quality across all locations. For pizzeria owners looking to expand, Nikki's example shows the importance of staying connected to your business, no matter how big it grows.

Embracing the power of social media

Nikki also recognizes the impact of social media on the pizza industry. "Social media has been tremendous,” Nikki said. “A lot of people rely on social media to see the new trends that are out. They see all these different videos of the new types of slices that the slice shops are doing, and they go try it."

In today’s age, it’s important to maintain a strong social media presence. Showcasing your pizzas and engaging with customers online can help drive foot traffic and build brand loyalty.

Looking to the future

While Nikki has plans for expansion, her focus remains on maintaining quality:

"Definitely more shops, and just keeping true to each brand and making sure that the product that I'm serving right now is the exact same product I'm serving in five years."

This commitment to consistency is a valuable lesson for all pizzeria owners. As you grow, never lose sight of what made your pizza special in the first place.

Nikki Kaplan's journey from working in her family's pizzeria to running a multi-brand pizza empire is both inspiring and instructive. Her insights offer valuable lessons for pizzeria owners at every stage of their journey.

To hear more about Nikki's experiences and get additional tips for success in the pizza industry, be sure to listen to the full episode of How You Slice It with Ilir Sela.


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