Handling phone lines during peak hours: advice for your staff

Peak pizzeria hours can be both exciting and challenging. And your staff has to be ready when those phone lines start lighting up like a Christmas tree. 

Let's dive into some tips to help your team manage those busy times like pros.

Stay calm and positive

First things first: remind your staff to keep their cool. A calm, upbeat attitude is contagious. When your team stays positive, it creates a better experience for customers and keeps stress levels down in the kitchen. Plus, a cheery voice on the phone can turn a hangry caller into a happy customer.

Prioritize and delegate

Teach your staff to manage calls effectively by prioritizing and delegating tasks. This way, you can keep phone lines open for new customers placing orders. Teach them to efficiently handle different types of calls — for example, new orders should take priority over inquiries about existing deliveries. 

Encourage your team to work together, passing on non-urgent calls to available staff members when necessary. This approach ensures that your pizzeria can handle a high volume of calls without compromising on customer service.

Reduce mistakes and revenue loss

Pro tip: Have your staff repeat orders back to customers. It takes a little extra time, but it’ll cut down on errors and avoid those costly remakes. Happy customers, less food waste, and more money in your pocket? That's a win-win-win.

Use technology wisely

Technology isn't just for online orders. Set up a call queue system to manage incoming calls and use automated responses for common questions. This way, customers aren't left hanging, and your staff can focus on taking orders.

Encourage teamwork

When the phones are ringing off the hook, your staff should feel comfortable asking each other for help. Regular team meetings to discuss strategies and some fun bonding activities can go a long way in building a strong, supportive crew.

Regular breaks

Don't forget to give your staff regular breathers. A quick 5-minute break can help them recharge and come back to the phones refreshed. It might seem counterintuitive during busy times, but it'll keep your team sharp and ready to deliver top-notch customer service.

Reinforce menu knowledge

Make sure your staff knows the menu inside and out. This includes current specials, ingredients, and potential substitutions. The faster they can answer questions, the more orders they can take. Consider creating a quick reference guide for common queries.

Offer online ordering

While this isn't directly about handling phone orders, promoting online ordering can significantly reduce the pressure on your staff during peak hours. Encourage customers to place orders through your website or app, freeing up your phone lines for those who prefer to call in.

Train for efficiency

Invest time in training your staff to handle calls quickly and effectively. Teach them scripts for common scenarios and how to politely move the conversation along if a customer is being indecisive. The goal is to provide great customer service while keeping the calls moving.

Keep track of wait times

During peak hours, it's crucial to give customers accurate wait times for both pickup and delivery orders. Train your staff to coordinate with the kitchen and delivery drivers to provide realistic estimates. It's better to slightly overestimate than to have disappointed customers.

Have a backup plan

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the phone lines might get overwhelmed. Have a plan B ready. This could be a voicemail system that allows customers to leave their orders, or a callback system where staff can return calls during slower periods.

Collect customer data

Use each phone order as an opportunity to build your customer database. Train your staff to politely ask for and confirm customer information like phone numbers and addresses. This data can be invaluable for future marketing efforts and can speed up future orders. (Or, better yet, partner with a first-party pizzeria partner who can collect and leverage all of that valuable data for you.)

Handling phone orders during peak pizzeria hours

Working the phone during peak hours is an art. It takes practice and patience. But you can prepare your staff to handle the rush, delight customers, and keep your pizzeria running smoothly.


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