Busiest pizza holidays: A guide for independent pizzerias

These holidays can drive serious sales for your shop. Let's look at the top pizza holidays, tips to get prepared, and how your pizzeria can make the most of them.

Top 5 pizza holidays

  1. Super Bowl Sunday — first Sunday in February

    The Super Bowl is one of the biggest pizza days of the year. Football fans gather to watch the game and often order pizza as their meal of choice. To promote your pizzeria, offer game day specials like party packs with wings and drinks. Consider creating football-themed pizzas or toppings to get into the spirit.

  2. Halloween — October 31

    Halloween is a busy night for pizza deliveries as families prepare for trick-or-treating. Promote your pizzeria by offering "spooky specials" or creating Halloween-themed pizzas. You could also partner with local haunted houses or events to offer discounts.

  3. New Year's Eve — December 31

    New Year's Eve celebrations often include pizza as a convenient meal option. Promote late-night delivery services and offer party packages for groups. Consider creating a special "New Year's Eve" pizza with premium toppings to entice customers.

  4. Thanksgiving Eve — fourth Wednesday in November

    Known as one of the busiest pizza nights of the year, many families opt for pizza before the big meal the next day. Promote easy meal solutions for busy families preparing for Thanksgiving. Offer "pre-Thanksgiving" specials or create a turkey-themed pizza.

  5. New Year's Day — January 1

    Many people order pizza on New Year's Day as an easy meal while recovering from celebrations. Promote your pizzeria as the perfect hangover cure. Offer all-day delivery specials or create a "recovery pizza" with ingredients like eggs and bacon.

How to prepare for busy pizza holidays

Encourage online ordering: Make sure your website and app are user-friendly and prominently feature holiday specials. Offer exclusive online discounts to drive more digital orders.

Ask customers to schedule orders: Implement a system for customers to pre-order, especially for major holidays. This helps you manage inventory and staffing more effectively.

Efficient supply management: Order extra supplies well in advance, focusing on non-perishables and essential ingredients. Build relationships with multiple suppliers to ensure you have backup options.

Strategic staffing: Schedule extra staff and cross-train employees to handle various roles. Consider offering incentives for holiday shifts to ensure adequate coverage.

Organized storage: Reorganize your kitchen layout to maximize efficiency during rush times. Use clear labeling systems and consider investing in additional storage solutions.

Proactive food preparation: Prep ingredients in larger batches and make your dough ahead of time to avoid any bottlenecks. Invest in quality storage containers to keep prepped items fresh.

Test your equipment: Ensure all ovens, refrigerators, and other essential equipment are in top working order before busy holidays. Have repair services on standby just in case.

Streamline your menu: Consider offering a simplified menu during peak times to improve kitchen efficiency and reduce wait times.

Drive more sales on these pizzeria holidays

Valentine's Day — February 14
Offer heart-shaped pizzas or couples' meal deals. Create romance-themed specialty pizzas with premium ingredients.

NFL Sundays — September - February
Promote game day specials and party packs. Consider creating team-themed pizzas for local favorites.

College Football Saturdays — September - December
College Football Bowl Season — mid-December - early January)
Target college students and alumni with campus delivery specials or "tailgate to-go" packages.

Christmas — December 25
If you’re open, offer holiday-themed pizzas or family meal deals for those who don't want to cook. Consider staying open later to capture post-celebration orders.

Mother's Day — second Sunday in May
Create brunch-inspired pizzas or offer family-style meal packages that mom doesn't have to cook.

Easter — varies, March/April
Promote easy meal solutions for families gathering for the holiday. Offer spring-themed specialty pizzas.

Memorial Day — last Monday in May
Target cookout and picnic crowds with portable pizza options or grill-ready take-and-bake pizzas.

Labor Day — first Monday in September
Offer end-of-summer specials or create picnic-friendly pizza packages.

Men's College Basketball Finals — early April
Promote game-watching party packs and offer bracket-themed discounts.

Veterans Day — November 11
Show appreciation for service members with special discounts or free items for veterans and active military.

Your pizzeria can use these holidays to boost sales and create memorable experiences for customers. Just be sure to plan ahead, staff appropriately, and create promotions that resonate with your local community.


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